Check Out Our New Video

By Randy Renner

We're launching something new this week here at, a video series we will update several times during the season with new episodes.

In our first installment I'm joined by NBA salary cap expert Jon Hamm. We talk about some of the reasons the Thunder couldn't do as much as perhaps some fans might have wanted during the summer and we get into the whole Reggie Jackson and the financial and salary cap issues that could arise there.

Jon is one of the best there is when it comes to the NBA salary cap and the collective bargaining agreement.

In episode 001 we also visit with Michael Kinney, who covers the Thunder beat for the Norman Transcript. Mike's at every home game and went to every playoff game, home and road, last season.

Some interesting perspectives we hope you enjoy. You can watch the show by clicking here.

We're also interested in your input. If you have a feature you want to see or a question you want to ask, which we can answer in our next episode, shoot me an email and we'll take it from there.

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